Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Where Did The Summer Go?

My brother, Clay, gets home from his internship this Friday, three days from now!

  That means that my job in Utah is over and I will be going home!  Looking back now, it feels like the summer went by sooo insanely fast even though I thought it would take forever!  There are so many things that I am going to miss about Utah two of them being my adorable Nephew and my Fantastic sister-in-law,

but I am sooo excited to be going home!  I am excited to get to go to my home ward for a few weeks before heading off to BYU Idaho, I am excited to be able to walk around outside without running into other people, I'm excited to see my friends that I haven't seen for three months, I'm excited to be able to drink water strait from the tap that tastes delicious, I'm excited to be able to take a shower and have my hair feel super soft again, but most importantly, I'm excited to see my family that I haven't see for three months!  I know when I get home, I'm going to miss Utah because that's just how I always am, I wanted to leave Weiser soooo badly after graduation but after a week in Utah, I missed it soo much!  I'm especially going to miss getting to spend everyday with my nephew.  I don't know when I will get to see him again since my brother and sister-in-law will be moving in the spring to who knows where.  I am extremely grateful that I have had the opportunity to live in Utah this summer.  I have learned so many wonderful lessons and met so many wonderful people!  I know that I needed this experience at this time in my life to prepare me for the future.  It's hard to believe that my next blog post will be written from Weiser, Idaho!  

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Final Countdown!

This last week has gone by soo fast!!  Only one more week to go!!  (Well, a week and a day :)) I'm excited to see all of my family again!  I'm also excited to see Weiser!  I never knew how much I would miss it just being gone for 3 months!!  I am truly blessed to have been able to grow up there!!
     So, On Sunday afternoon, Emily made some DELICIOUS caramel corn to bring to work, but of course,we got to "taste" it ;)  more like eat half the bowl :)
Here's the recipe :)
4 or 5 bags of microwave popcorn, popped: make sure that you get out as many of the un-popped colonels as possible!
1/2 bag mini marshmallows
1 cup corn syrup
2 cups brown sugar
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
Put all of the popped popcorn in a very large bowl.  Mix the marshmallows in with the popcorn.
Mix the corn syrup, brown sugar, sweetened condensed milk, and butter in a sauce pan.  bring to a boil and boil for 2 minutes.  Immediately pour the caramel sauce over the popcorn and marshmallows and stir until it is well combined.  You can add more marshmallows after the caramel is on the popcorn.  (that's what we did :))  It's delicious hot, cold, warm....  you get the point!  Just be warned, this makes a ton of caramel popcorn so be careful!!  :)

Emily and I made a countdown chain when there was about a month left until Clay got home and guess what number we are on?  8!!  Here are 10 and 9 :)

We each get a dove chocolate everyday as a reward for making it through the day!  I thought it was a great idea!! :)  Anyways, Keith is getting soo big!!  I can't believe how much he has grown this summer!  He can almost sit up on his own!  He had his 6 MONTH doctors appointment on Monday!

Ya, I'm pretty lucky to have such an adorable nephew!!  :)  
On Saturday, Emily bought all three of the Divergent books for her Kindle and I finished the last one yesterday.  Holy cow!  They are soo good yet infuriating!!  It was worth the time though!!  
So, one more week!  Here we go!! <3

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Almost There!!

I cannot believe how fast this summer has gone by!  I have less than three weeks left in Provo before I go home!  These last few weeks will be over before I know it and then I'll have to start (more like finish) getting ready to move again.  Only this time, I have to bring more than clothes, oh the joy of packing!!  Anyways, a lot has happened in the last few weeks.  Keith has learned how to move a lot more so now I have to keep a really close eye on him otherwise he'll roll all the way across the room in just a few seconds!  He can't crawl, he just rolls :)  I got called to be the Relief Society Secretary in my singles ward two weeks ago.  That totally came out of no where, especially since I am leaving in two weeks!  It has really helped me to be able to talk to more people and to open up just a little.  I found out who all of my roommates are for my first semester at BYU-I and I am sooo excited to get to know them!  I also ordered all of my text books already, talk about anxious!  I just get so nervous and I have to have everything completely ready days in advance so I have a few days to relax before I start something new, like when I moved to Utah, I had almost everything ready on Monday and I wasn't leaving until Wednesday.  Although during the few days I set aside to relax, I usually worry a lot and unpack and repack several times to make sure I have everything :)
       When I get home, I have to have my wisdom teeth pulled.  I have never in my life had a tooth pulled.  I've never broken a bone, and I've never had any kind of surgery.  The only time I've even been close is three years ago when I thought I had appendicitis and I went to the emergency room in the middle of the night and they put an IV in my arm.  I haven't even had shots since before I started Kindergarten so you can say that I am just a little nervous!!  I'm not even getting knocked out for the procedure.  They are just numbing my mouth like for a cavity.  So, ya, I'm terrified!!  But, my wisdom teeth have been bothering me for quite a while so it's better that I get them out before I go to school.
     Two of my best friends in the entire world are also in the process of  getting their calls to serve missions for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!  I am soo incredibly happy for them but I don't know what I will do without them for a year and a half!  The two of them have been there for me throughout most of my life!  They will both be a great help in bringing people to the knowledge of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ!  I know that they will both be able to help so many people because of the experiences they have had!  Anyways, there are only so many days that I get to spend with this precious boy so I am going to cherish each one!