Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Where did the year go?

Since there is only one more day left of 2014, I just wanted to do a little recap of my year.  A LOT of things have happened!!  I have learned sooooo many new things!
In February, my very first Nephew was born, Keith Richard Chandler.
Holding Keith for the first time!

I fell in love with him immediately!  He is the sweetest little boy in the world!!

I graduated from High School!!!  

It so crazy how fast time goes by!

Three days after graduation, I moved to Provo, Utah to live with my sister-in-law to babysit my adorable nephew while my brother lived in Denver for an internship.  It was one of the hardest, yet most rewarding times of my life so far.  I learned so much and I had a ton of fun with my nephew and my sister-in-law, yet it was my first time being away from home for an extend amount of time so I got really home sick. 

It was sooo amazing to get to see my nephew grow as much as he did in the three months I was there but one of the hardest things was definitely saying goodbye!
I got so accustomed to seeing Keith and Emily everyday so going home was really hard but it was awesome to see my family again!

After being back home for three weeks, I had to move to Rexburg to start college at BYU-Idaho.  That was also pretty hard!  But also very rewarding!  I met so many awesome people there who taught me a lot and helped me to grow!
I was literally packed into the car :)

My surprise birthday part organized by my amazing roommate and her mom :)

our living room :)
I got to experience so many new things including REALLY living on my own!  It was weird and it was hard but I really did have a pretty enjoyable time.  If you talked to my roommates they would probably disagree with that because I complained soooo much but it really wasn't that bad.
My roommates were the best! 

 I got to go to the temple A LOT!  It was awesome and it really helped to strengthen my testimony of the power of the temple in my life!  I was able to find some of my own ancestors that needed their temple work done and I was able to perform the baptisms and confirmations for them.  It was AWESOME!!!

I also found out that my oldest brother and his wife are going to have a baby!  I can't wait to have another nephew coming May 2015!!!

Several of my friends have left on missions in the last few months which has been a little bit hard for me but I know that what they are doing is AWESOME!  It's great to get their letters and emails and to hear how they are doing.

This year has gone by soooo fast.  I have truly felt the Lord's hand in my life.  I know that everything that has happened this year has been for my good and growth.  I am truly blessed!  I am also ready to see what 2015 has in store for me.  But I'm not ready to go back to Rexburg on Saturday!  haha :)  I hope you all have a safe New Year!!  <3

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

One down, many, many more to go!

I have officially finished my very first semester of college!  It is quite liberating to be honest!!  In September, I felt like this day would NEVER come, but, here it is!  After a lot of stressing and hard work, I managed to get A's in all of my classes!  Yippee!!  :)  I am just sooo relieved!  I am going home for the Christmas break tomorrow and I can't even describe how excited I am!  It's going to be GREAT!  No homework to worry about!  :)  I just wanted to make a list of the things that I learned this semester, being away from home and all.

1.  I really like lists.  In fact, I think I am addicted to making lists!  I make them for everything!  I would NEVER get all of my homework done if I didn't make a to do list!  In fact, I made 38 to do lists from the beginning of the semester! :)  I know, I'm a weirdo!

2. I love my family!  When I lived at home, I always took my family for granted.  I never appreciated how much they do for me or how I'm never lonely at home!  My family is GREAT!

3.  The temple is really super duper important!!  I have gone to the temple more since I have been in Rexburg than I have the rest of my life (almost)  :)  It has truly helped me to be able to get through the semester!

4.  Sometimes, watching 4 seasons of Gilmore Girls in 2 weeks is necessary for your sanity!  :)

5.  I have the best roommates in the WORLD!  Jordan already left us and we are going to miss her sooo much!!
L-R: Mackenzie, Rebecca, Me, and Jordan
6.  I am actually not changing my major.  I decided that I actually like Animal Science!  We'll see if I still feel that way after Anatomy and Physiology next semester!  :)  

7.  I like having class early in the morning.  Call me crazy, but I would much rather go to class at 7:45 am than 5:30.  Let me tell, you, I would know because I had classes at both of these times this semester!  

8.  I still hate being away from home!  You know what?  I have not lived at home more in 2014 than I have lived at home!  That is a pretty crazy thought!  What with being in Utah for the whole summer and being at college in the fall!  Growing up is weird!!

9.  I really don't like to pack!  It stinks!  I always pack WAY too much stuff!  

10.  When my mom isn't around, I tend to spend WAY too much money!  

Anyways, it's really been a pretty good semester!  I have learned soo much and I know that I needed these experiences!  Christmas break, here I come!!  :)  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas filled with family and friends!  <3

Thursday, December 4, 2014

I am so ready to be done with this semester!!!

I am feeling extremely unmotivated to do ANYTHING!  I feel like I did the last few months... well all of my senior year.  It's pretty bad that this is my first semester...  Ugh!  It could be that I am sleep deprived, although not nearly as much so as my roommates, it could be that people annoy me and I am currently extremely annoyed, or who knows what else!  Anyways, I decided to post some pictures from when I was home for Thanksgiving.  It could either make me feel better, or make me want to be done even more, but whatever!  :)

We vaccinated our heifers on Wednesday!  I was excited that I actually got to do something with the cows!

Putting straw in the pens.

After that, I made a ton of pie!  Not literally a ton but 5 pies :)  It was pretty great!  I made apple, peach, two pumpkin, and banana cream (which was definitely my favorite!) Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of them, but when it was all said and done, we had 13 pies counting the ones that my uncle and my aunt made.  The pie is a bigger deal than the actual dinner in our family, although that's a pretty big deal too!
This is after we ate dinner.  Everyone visiting.

I love my family so much!  It was great to see my aunt and uncle who live in Utah, plus my cousins!  
On Friday we went and got Christmas trees!  I forgot to take my camera so I don't have any pictures from that excursion either... It was great fun though!  :)  On Saturday, I went Christmas Shopping with my mom dad, and younger brother then I wrapped tons of presents.  Somehow, I managed to fit them all in my suitcase so I could bring them back to Rexburg for Lindsey and Brody since they aren't coming home for Christmas.  I was pretty proud of my packing skills :)  On Sunday, my family got to sing in church which was awesome... :)  
Then after church, I had to come back to Rexburg... I think that the semester should just end at Thanksgiving!  It would make everything better :)  

Just feeding the cows.

Random, but I really love pomegranates!  :)
That's about it.  There are 14 days until I get to go home again!  Hallelujah!