Friday, December 2, 2016

Don't settle for anything less than you deserve!

I've been thinking a lot lately and while yes, that can be dangerous, I have come to one conclusion: I will not settle when it comes to marriage.  It's been 4 1/2 months since I last posted on here!  I can't say anything huge has happened in those 4 1/2 months but I am two weeks away from finishing my 5th semester of college! :) The reason I really decided to write this blog post is because I saw this picture on Facebook:

Yes, some of the things on it are a little silly, but for the most part I really liked it and I decided I wanted to write more than just a Facebook post about it because, while no, I won't ONLY marry a cowboy despite what some of my friends think, I want to marry someone who does have good manners and who cares deeply about me.  I want to marry someone who respects me and my parents and who will put my well being ahead of his own, just as I will do for him.  I want to marry some one who loves God more than anything else and always puts his relationship with Him first because I know that when we both have a deep relationship with our Father in Heaven and understand the Atonement in our lives, we will be able to get through anything that the world can possibly throw at us.  I haven't always had the greatest self esteem.  In fact, that is something I have struggled with most of my life but this I do know: I know that I am a daughter of God and I know that he wants what is best for me and he would never want me to settle for less than I deserve.  Sometimes (most times), waiting for the Lord's timing can be REALLY hard!  It has taken me a long time to learn to be patient.  Some of you might think "Gosh Carly, you're really young, you don't know the first thing about waiting for and accepting the Lord's timing" and guess what?  You're probably correct!  I don't understand why things happen sometimes.  There is still a lot that I need to learn but I do know that I'm happier when I seek the Lord's will in my life even if it's not what I thought I wanted!  And let me tell you, I've learned that the hard way, in my short 21 years!  So now that you know more about me than you probably wanted to, I would tell you this: never settle for less than the Lord has in store for you.  It may take longer than you would like to get there and sometimes there is an easier way that may present itself, but be patient!  Continue striving to be the best person that you can be.  Strengthen your relationship with God and eventually, things have a way of working themselves out!
Love, Carly