Thursday, April 6, 2017


Seeing as how I'm completely done with finals (I got A's in all my classes by the way!!), about 75% done packing, and I still have a day to kill before my roommate's wedding on Saturday, I figured I'd write another blog post.  I just have to say how hard good byes are!  Most semesters, I don't really mind leaving.  I've had just about enough of Rexburg and I'm ready to leave.  But this semester, knowing that I really won't be back to Rexburg (for more than a few days at a time) until January is making it really hard to say good bye to everyone.  On top of that, I only have two semesters left at BYU-Idaho! (Crazy right?)  I have no Idea how the past three years have gone so fast!!  It seems like just a few weeks ago that I was finishing my senior year of high school and stressing out about scholarship applications and graduation requirements.  It seems like when you are in High School, time moves really slow, but the second you walk across that stage and receive your diploma, life goes into hyper speed!  (At least that's how it felt for me!)   Sometimes I'm very thankful that time moves so quickly, but at other times, I really wish that it would just slow down a little bit.