Sunday, October 26, 2014

Going Home!

So, I got to go home on Friday afternoon!!  I am soooo glad that I did, I just REALLY didn't want to come back to Rexburg, but I went anyways.  The main reason I went home is because we were moving our cows from our summer pasture to the property right around our house.  It was soooo much fun to actually get to be home with my family and do the things that I love!!

Getting the horses all ready at the beginning!

If you can't tell, It was SUPER foggy down in the valley, but we were out of it to begin with.  It looked really cool!!  
The cows were sooo ready to get out of there!!  
And...  We are off!

Russell and I ran along behind most of the way.  We would run up through the middle of the cows so that we could get in the front and stand in all of the holes in the fences or stand in places where there are no fences!  

Here they come!!

A huge Brahma bull.

So, I had a GREAT day yesterday!  Spending time with my family and working with cows are two of my very favorite things!  Oh, My mom and I went to town yesterday and when we were walking back into our house, I noticed this HIDEOUS spider on the wall

Yes, it really is as big as it looks!!  I HATE these spiders!  One summer, we had one that had built a web outside of our kitchen window and it lived there for several months!!  It  was pretty intense! :)  When I would be standing at the sink doing dishes at night (yes, I do dishes ;) ), I would see it catch flys and moths.  It was cool to watch it, as long as there was a barrier between us :)  Anyways, last night, I went to see my amazing cousin Lexcie!!  It was soo great to see her and to visit with all of her family!!  This morning, I got to go to Church with my family which was AWESOME!! Even though I cried, a lot because I didn't want to come back to Rexburg!!!  :)  I know, I'm pathetic!  My mom brought me over to Ontario to meet the girl who was going to bring me back to Rexburg, and I cried some more, then when We actually got to Rexburg, I called my parents to tell them that I made it and I cried some more...  You know, I just cry A LOT!!  We made it back to Rexburg from Ontario in 4 hours and 45 minutes!!  I was pretty impressed!  :)   Anyways, I am already counting down the days until I get to go home for Thanksgiving!  In case you were wondering, there are 30 :)  I can't wait to spend a little longer at home!  Then after I get back from that, there are only 20 days until I get to go home for Christmas!  So, I guess I have no choice but to stick it out...  I know I can do it, i just REALLY do not want to!!!  Have a great week everyone!! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

One Month in Rexburg!

So, this week has gone by insanely fast!! I guess I counted wrong last week because there are still 9 1/2 weeks left until Christmas break!  Call me crazy, but I have already started listening to Christmas Music :)  It is the only thing that makes me feel better when I'm really depressed!  Hahaha :)  My roommates are probably going CRAZY!  I had my first test on Monday and I did pretty well!  I have two this week...  So that should be fun!  Ha!  My field trip to Logan, Utah was actually a lot of fun!!  It was a REALLY long day though!  We got to see some pretty cool stuff!  On Tuesday, I found out that I won free groceries for all of FALL SEMESTER!!!  How awesome is that?  I was pretty excited!  I went shopping yesterday with one of my roommates and we found some pretty amazing things!!  After that, I went to the temple again.  By myself this time which was pretty terrifying for me!  I hate being by myself!  But it was really good!  I definitely needed that time alone!  Last night, We went and saw Meet The Mormons!  It was SOOOOO good!!

If you haven't had the chance to see it yet, I would really encourage it!  Even if you aren't a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!  It really tells what we believe in as "Mormons" and it is just a great movie!!  
My Brother James went home  this weekend to go hunting with my dad and two of my other brothers.  Oh, how I wish I could have gone too!!  But, as my dad was saying when I talked to him on Friday night, I will have other opportunities to go hunting!  Right now I need to focus on school!!  It is just sooo hard sometimes!!!  There are sooo many other things that I would rather be doing!  
I got called to be a Relief Society teacher and I am insanely nervous!  I have to give the lesson next week!  Yikes!  Thankfully, I have had sooo many wonderful teachers in my life who have helped me to know what to do!  It is just way different actually preparing the lesson!  But, I know I can do it!  Have a GREAT week everyone!!  <3

Monday, October 6, 2014

General Conference is the BEST!!

I have now survived 3 weeks of school!!  Which means I only have ten more, and one of those weeks is Thanksgiving :)  So really, 9 & 1/2!  Haha, My family came to Rexburg this past weekend For General Conference, while it was great to see them, Yesterday and today have been REALLY hard!  I just want to go home and not go to college ANYMORE!!!  I have gotten into a routine where I can get my homework done really easily, I just miss being home and I REALLY want to go hunting with my dad this weekend!!  Anyways, I Really am doing great!  I have my first test in the testing center tomorrow which I am NOT looking forward to :)  I made Cinnamon rolls this weekend that were absolutely delicious!  They were called Cake Batter Cinnamon rolls and oh my goodness, I will never make plain cinnamon rolls again!!  :)  Cake Batter Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

I would just like to let everyone know that rolling out cinnamon rolls without a rolling pin in REALLY difficult!  Anyways, they turned out delicious and I got to share them with my family, my roommates and a bunch of other random people :)  
On Friday afternoon, Hannah, Logan, My roommate Jordan, and I all were able to go to the temple again!  It was GREAT!!  

The pictures we got this time were way better!  :)  I'm soo beyond blessed that there is a temple less than a mile away from my apartment!  I love being able to go so often!  Last night, (Sunday)  Mackenzie and I went to stadium singing which is where a bunch of people gather below the bleachers at the stadium and sing hymns late at night.  It was AMAZING!!  I'm soooo glad I went, even though I still had a bunch of homework!  
Conference was AMAZING!!  There were sooo many wonderful talks that I don't even know which one was my favorite!!  I loved Henry B. Eyring's talk on Sunday Morning
 and Richard G. Scott's talk on Sunday afternoon!  I am soo thankful that we are able to have living prophets on the earth at this time and that twice a year, they speak to us and share exactly what we need at this time!!  I got to skype with my Brother and Sister-in-law and see my nephew yesterday!!  Oh my goodness how he has grown in a month!  I miss them like crazy but I'm glad I got to talk to them for so long yesterday!!  Anyways, I have to head to my last class of the day. Have a great week!!