Friday, February 27, 2015

Why did it take me so long?

I am starting to wonder why it took me so long to actually have fun at college.  I am actually not looking forward to the end of the semester!  I don't want to leave Rexburg.  I don't know who has possessed my body! haha :)  I mean, I do want to go home, but I'm going to miss all of the amazing people I have become friends with this semester!  The last few weeks have just been really great and I have really come to love where I live, who I live with and all of the experiences that I am having.  My classes haven't gotten any easier by any means!  But my attitude has gotten better.  Sometimes these lessons take me a lot longer to learn than I wish they would!!  Haha :) Last semester could have been soooo much better If I'd just had a better attitude and actually tried to get to know people, rather than hiding in my room and watching movies all the time!!  I can't believe that there are only 5 weeks left of the semester!  How did that happen?  I feel like this semester has just gone by super fast!!  Oh, I've also decided that I am more than likely coming back to BYU Idaho in the fall.  I know I said there was no way that I could do it, but I have changed my mind!  :) On that note, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  It's snowing in Rexburg.  I think our mini spring is over!  :)
I really like this a lot :)  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

I'm sooo happy!!

This is a pretty random post...  But I am just feeling REALLY happy right now!!!  I had a fantastic weekend in Utah last weekend and I got to spend some good quality time with this cute boy!

I seriously love him sooo much and it was super hard to leave him.  But here I am back in Rexburg and I am actually really happy for once and not dreading every day.  Well that only took me one and a half semesters!!  haha :)  I just want to say that I KNOW without the shadow of a doubt that Heavenly Father puts people in our lives for a reason!  I am soo thankful for the people who have come into my life and changed it for the better.  I know that I'm supposed to be in Rexburg right now and that is seriously a great comfort to me!  I don't think I could get through some of the really rough patches if I didn't know that for a fact!!  Anyway, Have a great night!!  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Blessings and Stuff

As I am laying here in bed at 6:32 in the evening while all of my roommates are gone, I can't deny the fact that I am sooo incredibly blessed, despite the fact that I have a terrible cold and and have had a headache for the past four days strait, (which is why I am home alone and in bed at this time :)).  It could be the amazing weather that we've been having, it could be the fact that I get to see my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew this coming weekend, it could be the fact that I have incredible roommates who make me do things that I would never do and who keep me up way too late making awesome memories, it could be that I don't have to teach Relief Society again for 28 days... But more than likely it is all of these things.  I am soo thankful for all that I have been blessed with in my life!  I KNOW that I need to be in Rexburg right now.  Even if I don't know exactly what I'm going to do for sure after this semester, I know that what I'm doing right now is what I need to be doing.  A girl in my ward made a comment during Relief Society that I think REALLY applies to me.  She said that sometimes we pray to know what we need to do and we feel like it takes Heavenly Father a really long time to answer us.  While we may want to know exactly what we need to do really far in advance, sometimes, the Lord tests our patience, our trust and our Faith by waiting until he know we are ready to do what we need to do.  I know I have seen this sooo many times in my life.  Especially with my decision to come here to BYU-Idaho.  I know that I have told several people about this experience but I felt like I should share it again.  I prayed, fasted, and prayed some more to know where I needed to go to school and what I needed to study.  I kind of felt like Heavenly Father was ignoring me, although now I recognize that he was giving me little nudges all through out my Senior year that I ignored.  I got my acceptance letter from BYU-Idaho in November.  I was NOT expecting it that early and It really caught me off guard.  It didn't shock me that I got accepted, because really, i don't know of anyone who has been denied by BYU-Idaho, but it shocked me that I got it so early.  I really didn't want to come to BYU-I, it was just more of a back up plan.  My entire life, I had wanted to go to BYU Provo.  Maybe because all of my family went there, I don't really know.  But anyways, I was just sure I was going to get into BYU Provo.  I waited for ever to get that email from BYU Provo admissions and when it finally came in March, and it said that I was denied, I immediately felt peace.  It was the weirdest thing.  Heavenly Father knew I needed a drastic shove to come here to BYU-Idaho.  I am a really stubborn person and I don't know if I would have come here if I would have had to choose between BYU-Provo and BYU-Idaho.  Although I complain about being here A LOT, I am sooo thankful that I did come here.  I have learned some lessons that I know I could not have learned any other way and I have met some incredible people.  I am soo thankful for the fact that Heavenly Father answers prayers, exactly how we need them answered.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Well, It's been a while!

Well, it's been a couple weeks since I posted on here.  I guess I just really haven't had anything to write about and I still don't so this is going to be pretty short :)  I was planning to go to Utah this weekend but I couldn't find a ride.  My nephew turns ONE YEAR OLD on Monday!  It is crazy to think that it has already been one year!  A ton of stuff has happened in that year too!  Hopefully I can find a ride to get down there for next weekend!  My sister and brother-in-law got a car so we went to Dillon Montana to pick it up last Saturday.  We stopped in this tiny town call Dubois on the way and we took some pictures but Lindsey still hasn't put them on Facebook :)  I love driving to Montana!  It's soo pretty!  Guess what?  Midterms are in two weeks which means the semester is almost half way over!!  I'm pretty excited!!!!!  I still don't know what I'm doing for the summer so if any of ya'll have any ideas, let me know :)  My oldest brother and his wife are having a baby in May and I am SUPER excited!!  I will have two nephews!  :)

I just wanted to post a few pictures from last year that keep on popping up on my screen saver that are making me really miss home... :)

Spring is an amazing time of year!  Hopefully I won't miss everything, I mean, I am done at the beginning of April so at least I won't miss Branding!  I really love my life in Weiser!  I would never trade it for anything!  I hope you all have a great weekend and are doing great!