Friday, March 31, 2017

Another End But Many New Beginnings

With only one week remaining in my JUNIOR year of college, I've gotten to be pretty sentimental.  I won't be coming back to Rexburg for 9 months due to some amazing opportunities that have come my way, so leaving this time is a little harder than it's been the last several times.  I'll be doing an internship this fall (more about that will be coming at a later time because I don't have very many details yet) So I won't be coming back to school till January which is absolutely crazy to think about!!!  This semester has been amazing, hard, emotional, stressful, and I have grown a great deal.  I have made some of the best friends of my life who have helped me to become a better person.  One of my really good friends left today so a few of us got together last night for dinner and it really started to sink in that we won't see each other for at least nine months, if not longer.  I'll most likely be in Kansas this fall, one will be in Nebraska this summer and one will possibly be in Colorado for her Master's degree this fall.  As I was driving home after dinner, I started to reminisce about all of the fun times I've had since I've been in college as well as the amazing people I've met.  I've grown closer to some of the people I've met here and known for only a few months than I ever was with any of the people in Weiser that I've known for my whole life!  I was also thinking about how fast things change and how being an adult is so weird!  Change is a natural part of life, but it's always been something that I struggled with.  There are a lot of changes coming my way in a really short period of time so I'm trying to prepare myself in advance for the added stress and responsibility.  I know that without a doubt my Heavenly Father is mindful of me.  I'm so thankful for the amazing blessing that have come into my life from being at BYU-Idaho and I am really excited for the new and amazing experiences I'll have in the next several months!  I know that when we put God first in our lives and remember to give thanks to him in all things, everything else will fall into place!!

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